As you might already know, I decided to do the 365 Thought Provoking Questions Challenge. In one year, you have to answer a question every day - and this is how "February" turned out for me. You can find all the questions here. Also, if I were to highlight one question, it'd be number 20 - so read at least that. x


1 What do we all have in common besides our genes that makes us human?
You mean, what do we all have in common besides the fact we look a bit alike? I think the main part is will - animals don't have it but we do and sometimes it's the best think we could have, sometimes it's the worst. We can think for ourselves and do stuff intentionally and with a purpose. Our minds are special.

2 If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose?
Oh, this one is hard. I mean, I'd really love to choose Harry Potter, as it changed my life so much, but I'll probably better go either with Inferno by Dan Brown or with The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (it just shows both our history and our future and is such a good read). I hope these books might even make people want to read more if they finish them.

3 Would you rather have less work or more work you actually enjoy doing?
More work I enjoy doing. I mean, I'd still want to have time for my friends, family and hobbies as well, but I'd really love to have a job that I enjoy so much I wouldn't mind spending time there. I mean, I kind of have this now, but it's only a part time job and it won't last forever ...

4 What is important enough to go to war over?
The good of all the people in the world. There's definitely nothing in this world right now that's worth a war, but there we go - war is everywhere you look. Some might even say it's coming for all of us, but I'm an optimist - I hope we'll make the world a better place where war isn't the solution anymore.

5 Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Never trying, definitely, and even though everyone will say this, it's so hard to try and fail that many people might actually think it's better not to try. However, I learned to say yes to things, and if I fail, so what - I'll learn from that and be better next time.

6 When was the last time you listened to the sound of your own breathing?
I don't know actually. It might've been last night when I went to sleep - sometimes I do that to fall asleep more quickly, just focusing on my breathing, relaxing and doing nothing else.

7 What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Well, for example, I apply my make up foundation with my fingers mostly. Until recently, I haven't actually tried it with make up brushes. (Oops.) But other than that, I don't know - it's so hard to think of something right now! I don't know how other people do things.

8 What does ‘The American Dream’ mean to you?
For me, 'The American Dream' means being poor or not so lucky in your life, and then either earning a lot of money or winning it and spending the rest of your life being happy. I think it's a bit of a fantasy, everyone would want to end up exactly like that, but the most important thing is the journey - the way you get there.

9 Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
Well, this one is hard, but I'll have to go with a joyful simpleton. I just can't imagine my life without being happy and joyous.

10 If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?
Be kind and treat everyone fairly. I'd love it if every newborn baby got that in their minds and never forgot it in their life after.

11 What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?
I think it's the ability to crack a joke, to smile and to be positive about life and future. People just worry too much.

12 What are you most grateful for?
For my family and the life I've got. I wouldn't say I'm luckier than most, but still I had it quite easy in life so far - I wasn't born in Equator Africa, I've never been really hungry and I've always had people around me who loved me. At all times.

13 Is stealing to feed a starving child wrong?
I don't think so but you always have to consider who you steal from. If you're stealing from someone who is also starving, it's wrong, very wrong - if you walk into a supermarket and steal a bread so that your child could live, it's not right either, but I think I might not judge the person if it happened once.

14 What do you want most?
To be happy in life. I'd really love to look back one day and tell myself "I did the best thing, I lived my life to its fullest and I would do nothing differently".

15 Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
I wouldn't say that I'm worried about doing the right things, it just either comes to you naturally or it doesn't. Sometimes it's much harder than just that, but that's life. I worry quite a lot about doing things right, though, which is so shallow of me, but ... well.

16 What has life taught you recently?
Recently? I think that you'll have to be there for yourself. I mean, you can have friends and they might be great friends, but if you're not there for yourself, if you don't want to help yourself, then your friends might just not be able to get you through your life. You have to learn to be happy with yourself before you learn to be happy with people.

17 What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?
Well, this is really hard, there are definitely many things everyone would like to change. I'd just like people to ask questions more - don't always believe what people tell you. There might've been something said on the TV or on the Internet that you believed straight away, and it might not be true. Just don't believe everything you hear and check if the facts are true.

18 Where do you find inspiration?
That's a hard one as well. I get my inspiration from everything I do - sometimes I walk the street and see something interesting, sometimes someone I know says something interesting, and sometimes I just read something on the Internet ... There's not one answer for that question.

19 Can you describe your life in a six word sentence?
"I am just so very happy." That's the 6 words you get. Even though there are hard times, all it takes is to remind yourself that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

20 If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
Because making a mistake is failing - not only failing the others, but also failing ourselves. We like to think of ourselves in some way and if we can't get there, it's hard for us to accept that we're only human beings and that we make mistakes.

21 What impact do you want to leave on the world?
I'd just like to leave some positivity behind - if there's one person that I've made smile, that'd make me happy.

22 What is the most defining moment of your life thus far?
I think it might've been me joining the Internet community when I was about 11 years old. It changed me a lot and I couldn't imagine my life without some awesome people I've met online.

23 In the haste of your daily life, what are you not seeing?
I guess it's the simple things - the sunrises and the sunsets, because if you don't stop, you won't see these things. And I don't mean those things only literally - the small things are everywhere. You might not see the way your mum looks at you when you do something funny or things like that.

24 If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
This is an excellent question and I think it's mostly because people don't realize how short life is. I mean, you get about 90 years if you're lucky - that's not much, is it? But it's quite a lot as well ... The moment someone close to you dies, you realize that life is so very short and most people change - they start doing the things they like and stop doing the ones they don't enjoy.

25 What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?
Mostly my best friend or my sister. Sometimes there's just the perfect song for that or I just eat chocolate. Or read a book. It so depends on the situation.

26 Have you ever regretted something you did not say or do?
I think I did, everyone must have. But right this second, I can't really think of anything major. I mean, sometimes I went from home for a week or so and didn't tell my parents I love them, but who didn't feel like that at some point in their lives?

27 Has your greatest fear ever come true?
The thing is, we easily forget the bad stuff that happens to us. So, if you asked me at the time I felt really lonely and left out, I'd say yes. Today, when I feel really happy and positive about things, I'd say no - but what's the right answer?

28 Why do we think of others the most when they’re gone?
I think it's because the second they go, we realize what they've done for us and how happy they made us. It doesn't even have to be death that separates us, it can be a few kilometres and that's it - we instantly think of the small things that made us so furious while they were with us and did them, but when they're gone, we miss them so much.

Hope you've enjoyed this month's answers and that you'll stay to hear about my March. Thanks a lot! x

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